Are Thicker Furnace Filters Really Better?

Most air filters are 1 inch thick, but some systems can accommodate filters 2 to 5 inches thick. In our tests, we found that the thicker the filter, the better it works and the longer the replacement intervals. This means it's better for you and your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system. Thick air filters may automatically seem like the best option.

Thicker means more filtration, right? In most situations, that's true. Thicker air filters tend to last longer because they have more square feet to capture and retain air particles. To put it into perspective, a 1-inch air filter may need to be changed every month, while a 4-inch air filter can last up to six months. Replacing your standard one-inch air filter with a 5-inch pleated filter can improve the quality of the air inside your home.

This is because larger air filters have higher MERV ratings, leading to better filtration of contaminants and allergens. In other words, the thicker the filter, the more dirt it can hold. And, therefore, you can enjoy a wider range of filter frequency replacement. Therefore, the oven filter change time will be much longer. But why is there such a big difference in their lives? This is because thicker air filters have more square feet.

They have a larger surface area that they can use to contain air particles. Air filters, which have a coarse-medium filter, can trap small particles, such as pet dander and mold, without impeding airflow like a thin, pleated air filter would. If you have an oven in the house, the clogged filter may bother you every 2 to 6 months and request a new replacement. That said, a thinner 1-inch filter with a high MERV rating would clog up very quickly (compared to a 4-inch pleated filter), since there is less surface area available to trap contaminants. The function of the air cleaner is to prevent dust and other large particles from ruining the heating and cooling system.

However, there are some cases where 1-inch and 2-inch filters may be on par when it comes to efficiency. Some air conditioning specialists have also observed that thicker filters provide a snug fit that does not allow unfiltered air to pass through. If improving air quality is a priority for you, filter depth doesn't matter as much as MERV. In short, the benefits of a 5-inch filter are better air quality, ample airflow, longer life, cost-effectiveness, and more energy cost savings. The higher the MERV rating, the smaller the contaminants a filter can trap, which also means it will clog up faster.

Since larger filters provide better airflow and lower pressure drops, you won't worry about your HVAC system doubling its energy consumption. Now, the more CFM of air hits the furnace system, the more area it can cover with the heating or cooling action. The 4-inch thick air filter has a definite advantage over the 1-inch filter in terms of longevity, airflow and maximum filtration potential. In conclusion, if you're looking for an effective way to improve your indoor air quality while saving money on energy costs and replacement costs in the long run - thicker furnace filters are definitely worth considering! Not only do they provide better filtration of contaminants and allergens than thinner filters do - but they also last longer due to their larger surface area.

LaDonna Uccio
LaDonna Uccio

Devoted food advocate. General internetaholic. Extreme beer aficionado. Devoted social media maven. Lifelong tvaholic.

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