Which Air Filter is Better: MERV 8 or MERV 11?

When it comes to air filters, the MERV rating is an important factor to consider. MERV 8 and MERV 11 air filters are two of the most popular options, but which one is better? To answer this question, it's important to understand the differences between the two. MERV 8 air filters are designed to capture between 50% and 65% of the smallest particles in the air. This includes dust, lint, debris, pet hair, small insects such as dust mites, particles from sanding or spray paint, and textile fibers from clothing or carpet.

They are considered a superior filtration compared to air filters with a lower MERV rating. MERV 11 air filters, on the other hand, are designed to capture between 65% and 79% of the smallest particles in the air. This includes all of the particles mentioned in MERV 8, as well as pet dander, smoke, smog, and air from coughs and sneezes. If you have children or pets in your home, a MERV 11 filter is recommended.

In addition to all of these particles, MERV 13 filters can also capture small viruses and germs because they are very fine. If a healthy home is a priority for you or if you have respiratory problems such as asthma, a MERV 13 filter is recommended. To keep MERV 8 filters running at full capacity, experts recommend changing them every 2-3 months. For maximum efficiency with a MERV 11 filter, it's recommended to change it every 1-3 months depending on the season and how often your HVAC system is used.

A MERV 13 filter should be changed every 1-2 months. When considering MERV 8 vs. MERV 11 airflow capabilities, it's important to think about how much you use your HVAC system and how much debris it will trap. A MERV 11 filter will get dirty faster than a MERV 8 filter because its fibers are denser.

However, if you're concerned about outdoor air pollution or family members with respiratory problems, then it might be a good idea to choose a higher MERV rating. Another option is to use a MERV 8 or 11 filter and add an air purifier to your home designed to remove impurities that cause allergies. This will keep your home's airflow clean enough without overloading your HVAC system. Choosing the right MERV rating is an important decision in terms of total cost, air quality, and product durability.

You should consider both the actual cost of a MERV filter and any additional operating expenses that may result. Ultimately, if you're worried about the effects of inhaling fine air particles, then a MERV 11 filter is the better option.

LaDonna Uccio
LaDonna Uccio

Devoted food advocate. General internetaholic. Extreme beer aficionado. Devoted social media maven. Lifelong tvaholic.

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